How do you draw a chess game?


Everybody knows that a game of chess can be won by pulling a checkmate on the opposite king. But like in any game it need not always be a one sided result. Sometimes both the players may share laurels by ending the game in a draw. This is many a times used by players on the losing side to strategically avoid defeat. Let us sneak into the rule books to see the various ways in which a game of chess can end in a draw.

Draw by Agreement
What could be called the simplest way to draw a game, here both players consent to end the game in a draw .A mutual agreement is drawn when both players realise that there is no way for any of them to win the game barring the very meagre possibility of either of them producing some error.

A game is said to end in a stalemate when one of the player has no legal move to make but is not under check either. Stalemates are more common in games among beginners and amateurs as it is a result of not understanding proper checkmate techniques, about which you can find an article in our blog, which might be of great use to you.

Threefold Repetition
This is a way to draw a game , when the same position is reached three times in  a game. Here either of the players can claim the draw. The rule was basically introduced to prevent players from repeating the moves to keep the game going.

The Fifty-Move Rule
A game can be declared as a draw, if no progress is made after fifty moves by both players. Progress is defined by the capture or any piece, or the movement of a pawn.

Insufficient Mating Material
Here a game will automatically become a draw if both the sides have insufficient pieces to call a checkmate on the opposite king. This includes situations where both sides have only their kings left, one player has a single bishop or a single knight or both knights with the king while the other player has only his king,

So these are some of ways in which you can bring about a draw in the game of chess.  If you think we have missed any crucial tip, share them on your thoughts as comments.