How to improve your game in chess

Whether it’s chess or any other game/sports, you need to improve your game with time. Though we are not saying it is easy, however, if you don’t try to rank up your game you will be left behind. You are responsible for your performance, good or bad. If you lose a match, there is no need to be heartbroken, just that you need to have the spirit to find out where you missed the chance to win the game. So, without further ado, let’s find out how can you improve your present game and take it to the next level?

  • Know the basics- You need to be clear with your basics before you try to possess expert versatility. Know the rules of the game and then proceed further. Review the special rules if you have forgotten any and keep yourself updated with the game. 

  • Practise- You need to practise your game. Only with playing games regularly, you would understand your strongest and weakest points. Act upon it and brush it up in your next games. Only by facing your opponent you would understand the importance of practise.

  • Take notes- Take notes of your moves and only after the game is over, you must review it to get a better grip of your performance. You might be an expert player, however, even grandmasters review their game afterwards. This will not just make you realise the places you are getting stuck at, but also build your confidence to take risks and play with tactics. 

  • Solve chess puzzles- Chess puzzles are excellent if you want to improve your game. They are fun and there are high scopes of learning. So, the next time you have an upcoming major game, try solving some chess puzzles, it would open your mind and you can think more comprehensively. 

  • Study your endgame- Sure, opening is crucial. However, never ignore to brush up some endgames. This is majorly the end of the game when very vital pieces are left on the board and you need something drastic to win the game. Practise your endgames to score better. After all who doesn’t want to end their game with a bam?

  • Memorizing openings- It is a bad move. It would only make you dependable. Your mind is a tricky being. Try not to memorize your openings, rather understand the opening principles. Once you are done with a few, expand your knowledge about openings. Don’t grasp it and try to imitate it over the board. You might forget it easily and you would have already lost the game.      

  • Look before you leap- Nice saying if you try to implement it in chess. Don’t move around your pieces hastily. Check and then re-check if there are any risks of moving your piece in close proximity. Only when you are sure about your action, move the pieces around. 

There are multiple things that you must do to improve your game and become a grandmaster. If you want to know such tips, join Mind Mentorz. An afterschool academy meant exclusively for building cognitive development of kids in their leisure. so they play and learn together.