Science in a Cube - Learning Rubik’s Cube

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Sounds as interesting as it is. While the Rubik Cube was invented in 1974, people still believe it is a genius thought captured in a box. Though the interesting part is, the inventor Erno Rubik took almost a month to solve it for the first time. His primary intention was very different from what it seems to be today. Being an architect, he built the cube to demonstrate a 3D geometric working model and not as a toy that would be helping kids enhance their skills and abilities. Brilliance can be reflected in small things and later could even create history. Indulge your kids in polishing those skills that they already have rather than plugging them in for something you consider best for them. Rubik’s cube is a genius toy that helps in benefitting their existing skills. 

How does it help in shaping a kid’s abilities?

All in all it is a versatile piece of toy. It takes immense dedication to learn its method of solving. In this process, your kid enhances their abilities and the power of reasoning. What are the benefits of Rubik’s cube, let’s find out?

  1. Retention and memorizing capacity- It helps your kid with their muscle memory. As sad, learning the algorithms of Rubik’s cube is a rather extensive process that can only be achieved with practise. This practise over quite a significant period of time improves the retention capacity of the brain and also develops its memorizing capacity.

  2. Critical thinking and reasoning- As humans we have accepted some norms and measures in the society that makes us different from other earthly creatures. The ability to critically think and solve problems is one of them. Rubik’s Cube helps your kid’s brain to think rationally.

  3. A push to active thinking- We all have been familiar with the saying ‘Active thinking promotes active learning’. The brain is a complex place and humans have been able to trace only a fraction of the working that happens in the mind. Among this, it has also been observed that active thinking is essential to grasp things with ease. The Rubik’s Cube is a great medium to enrich active thinking in your kids.

  4. Patience- Yes, it not only deals with boosting memory power but it also edifies patience into the child. It is a simple equation, only with patience and dedication, your kid will learn the algorithms to solve a cube. Focus is as essential as keeping a calm yet active mind.

  5. Mapping- Learning how to solve Rubik’s cube is a step by step process. Your kid needs to follow the path to receive the desired end result. However, only if your child can see a step ahead of their move, he/she can be called a true learner. It’s easy to solve a cube once you know the trick, but training your mind to not miss a step is crucial.


At Mind Mentorz, your child will be in a friendly environment that educates in the unconventional way. We are an afterschool academy that offers your kids a playground-like atmosphere that allows them to play and learn simultaneously. Allow your kids to choose their way of delving into the best.